This service is available to all older adult care homes and is an electronic system enabling the order of repeat medication by care home staff on behalf of their residents. The digital integration support liaison officer (DISLO) team offers support to care homes to set up the system safely and effectively and there is also support from pharmacist teams to ensure clinically safe and effective implementation.
The benefits to using the electronic system as opposed to paper records are as follows:
Improved Clinical Safety
- Fewer risks and issues associated with ordering, issuing, collecting, and dispensing repeat medications
- Fewer errors and queries (e.g. missing items, what has been ordered/collected from pharmacy)
- Opportunity to review medication in line with NICE NG5
Improved process
- Easier and faster access.
- Care home staff can order at any time of the day or night
- Less time consuming
- Better communication and working relationships between all
Improved Governance
- SWL DPIA in place and uses existing SWL overarching information sharing agreement
- Align to DSPT requirements for care homes
- Improved data security – care home staff have their own username and password
- Supporting evidence of CQC standards for care homes, particularly around effective, responsive and well-led domains
- An improved, easy to access audit trail
For further information and support contact [email protected]