Most of our providers are part of provider collaboratives that work across multiple boroughs and ICSs to help bring the benefits of working at scale and mutual aid of sharing resources and services to improve quality and to improve patient outcomes, experience and safety across the system.
Provider collaboratives are partnerships made up of two or more NHS trusts that provide hospital, mental health and community services. Provider collaboratives are a key part of system working. By working together, providers:
- support local decision making
- tackle unwarranted variation in standards of care and health inequalities
- build resilience across systems
- support staff more effectively
South West London Acute Provider Collaborative
The South West London Acute Provider Collaborative brings together NHS trusts providing hospital and community services in South West London.
More about the acute provider collaborative
Our acute providers’ websites
RM Partners – The West London Cancer Alliance
RM Partners is made up of all South West London and North West London organisations supporting the NHS cancer pathway, including primary, acute and specialist providers and screening services. We work together to restructure cancer services and systems, with the ambition of truly transforming the model of care to improve outcomes and experience for our patients across west London.
RM Partners websites
South London Mental Health and Community Partnership
The South London Mental Health and Community Partnership is made up of three mental health trusts. The three trusts have around 12,000 staff between them working across a population of 3.6 million, spanning two ICSs and 12 London boroughs.
Our mental health providers’ websites
Our community providers
Our community healthcare providers work with our acute, mental health and primary care organisations to provide services in health and community centres, GP practices and in people’s homes.