Annual health checks for patients with learning disabilities
We spoke to Speak Up Sutton about barriers to people having annual health checks in February 2021. We found out that a barrier for people with learning disabilities was anxiety around leaving the house during the pandemic and particularly concerns around catching Covid-19 from visiting a GP practice.
To overcome this we developed a new option for these patients, where a nurse would complete the annual health check in the comfort of their own home.
Better information about Covid-19
We held more than 50 events, reaching nearly 2000 people to engage with them and respond to any concerns they had regarding the vaccine and where to get vaccinated in Sutton.
Joint working between Sutton Council, Sutton Housing Partnership and the Voluntary Sector, as well as many other community groups, has ensured that we reached many residents who are in deprived areas and are digitally excluded, such as homeless people and travellers.
We have used social media to widen our reach and to signpost people to trusted sources of information, including our own single source of truth website which includes the latest information about vaccines and other Covid-19 related news.
Finally, we worked with Sutton Health Champions comprised of local residents, voluntary organisations and BAME community members who represent all 18 wards in Sutton. The champions helped us to reach over 86,000 across Sutton when we had key health messages that needed to be shared across social media, emails and newsletters.