Local stories
Our local stories show the impact partnership working is having on access, quality and health and wellbeing across South West London.
Showing 52 local stories filtered by Wandsworth
Family nurse partnership helps parents give babies a better start
Categories: Children and young people, Community services, Maternity, Reducing health inequalities
Locations: Wandsworth
“We are there for those people who really do feel trapped behind closed doors”
Categories: Community services, Reducing health inequalities
Locations: Wandsworth
UK African and Caribbean Saturday traditions bring the community together
Categories: Community events
Locations: Merton, Sutton, Wandsworth
How St George’s new green club channels the therapeutic benefits of nature
Categories: Cancer, Mental Health and Wellbeing
Locations: Merton, Wandsworth
Pilot health project restores lives of people in chronic pain
Categories: Social prescribing
Locations: Merton, Wandsworth
10 minutes with SPEAR health link worker Grace Kettlewell
Categories: Homeless health, Reducing health inequalities
Locations: Wandsworth
Balloon art boosts health of Balham seniors
Locations: Wandsworth
Fill your cup of Communi-Tea with Battersea Mosque
Categories: Community events
Locations: Wandsworth
A2nd voice for autistic people in Wandsworth
Categories: Learning disabilities and ASD
Locations: Wandsworth