Iona Lidington, Convenor and Public Health Lead
Jo Farrar, NHS Executive Place Leader for Kingston and Richmond
Alison Danks, Associate Director of Health Services, Achieving for Children
Annette Pautz, Primary Care Provider Lead
Carlene Liverpool, Maximising Independence Programme Manager at Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Daniel Green, Corporate Head of Health Behaviours & Public Health Services, Adult Social Care & Health
Dawn Secker, Interim Assistant Director Operations, Adult Social Care
Diane White, Carers Lead
Ed Montgomery, NHS Community Lead
Liz Meerabeau, Healthwatch Kingston Lead
Nic Kane, Quality Lead
Nick Merrifield, Primary Care Development Lead
Sam Morrison, Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, Health Commissioning and Transformation, Royal Borough of Kingston
Sanja Djeric Kane, Chief Executive Officer, Kingston Voluntary Action
Sharon Houlden, Local Authority Lead
Sue Lear, Deputy Director of Transformation, SWL ICS
Tara Ferguson-Jones, Communications and Engagement Lead
Dr Rachel Tucker, Head of Psychology & Psychotherapy, CAMHS and All Age Eating Disorders Consultant Clinical Psychologist, South West London and St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust
Amy Scammell, Acting Director of Strategy and Commercial Development, South West London and St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust
Apologies received from:
Jen Allan, Mental Health Lead
Denise Madden, Deputy Executive Lead for Kingston and Richmond Places
South West London mental health strategy performance
The committee was updated on the development of the SWL mental health strategy, The strategy will identify priorities, respond to challenges (including those around access, variation, and fragmentation), drive forward transformation and address population health needs, in collaboration with service users, stakeholders and partners. The committee were informed that there are several actions and deliverables to progress:
- Narrative elements of the Strategy are iterated and drafted via the SWL MH Partnership Delivery Group – Jan/ Feb 2023
- Discussions of progress and inputs at the SWL place meetings – Feb 2023
- Strategy presentation at SWL ICB Senior Management Team meeting – 23rd Feb 2023
- Next and final versions reviewed and agreed at the SWL MH PDG – Feb and March 2023
- SWL places and providers to agree Strategy – March/ April 2023
- Set up SWL MH structures (including SWL MH Partnership Delivery Group) for Strategy delivery – Sept 2022
- SWL ICB Board meeting to approve strategy – May 2023.
- Year 1 work underway – May 2023.
Pooled prevention funding
A verbal update was provided to the committee about pooled prevention funding. The Place committee have committed to investing in the prevention agenda. Discussions have started with public health about gaining grant funds for the prevention agenda.
It was mentioned that Healthwatch are soon to publish an extensive review of the health needs of the population it was noted that it would be good to ensure that decisions are informed by that review.
The committee agreed that they need to take a stock take of what is currently done and what is working and that it is important to invest in evidence based preventative work – focusing their efforts in the areas of biggest impact.
Quality and performance
No items
System update
ICP strategy
The committee discussed the ICP discussion document for which there was overall support. A survey had been shared with place committee members in Kingston and Richmond in advance of the meeting and the following feedback was gathered:
Question 1: Specific actions to be built into the ICP priorities future delivery
- Overall support as priorities is aligned to organisational and ‘place’ priorities, but need to translate into measurable outcomes, e.g. reduction in non-elective admissions to acute care.
- Tackling and reducing health inequalities – need to refine this at a local level and consider how we minimize variation in the services we provide between organisations and Places. Need to prioritise high impact and cost effective changes
- Consider how to amalgamate services across Places, accepting that this will impact on access, in order to provide resilient 24/7 services
- Promoting self-care – should consider embedding this across all areas with a prevention focus
- Scope of risky behaviour in young people should be expanded beyond alcohol as set out in the JSNA
- Challenge if the ‘green agenda’ priority is deliverable as needs a funded plan over, 1, 5 & 10 years
- Greater emphasis on the role of carers in planning and decision making
- Consideration as to whether integration of primary care should feature with dentistry, optometry and pharmacy moving from NHSE to ICBs
- Key to include role of Local Authorities and Public Health to ensure delivery is linked with wider health related local authority responsibilities e.g. housing
- Request delegation of innovation and health inequalities funding to Places to support local delivery
Question 2 key workforce challenges your organisation would like the programmes to incorporate
- Recruitment is a key challenge in all areas:
- Improved ability to move within the sector with minimal difficulty in order to gain experience and promotion.
- Centralising hard to recruit to teams to provide more resilience and a sense of belonging.
- Need to build on the work already in place e.g., PCNs Training Hub. Opportunity to work with education providers to develop apprenticeships to attract workforce into PCNs, VCSE sector etc
- System wide focus on the recruitment of health visitors and increased capacity for the management of school health
- A greater focus on the care provider market is needed as part of the programmes (too health focused)
- Primary care estates – insufficient space to train staff across all 6 PCNs
- Programmes although the right ones, may not resonate with the public – which will be largely focussed on access to GP appts and paying for private dental care
- Scope to include the ill health of workforce and how can the system support workforce health
- A greater focus on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in development opportunities for staff
- Need to include technology as an enabler for the programmes
- Need to be clear about what where the work sits. Is this being done at place, or once at SWL?
Question 3: Any other areas that should be considered for partners to work on at-scale and included in the final ICP Strategy?
- Digitally enabled workforce – log on anywhere any time securely and at speed
- Social care – under substantial pressure, so would benefit from SWL approach
- Redesign of the care sector workforce
- Dentistry – lack of local capacity drives activity out of area
- Premises and estates – integral to workforce, addressing the ‘green agenda’ and shifting care into the community
- The longer term 5-year priorities need an indicative delivery plan, so engagement and preparation can start now, preparing the system for future delivery
- Would be good to see clear objectives, understand the role of Place via SWL and clarity of accountability in delivery
Communications and engagement
The committee were informed that the first Kingston Community Voices group is now scheduled and will take place on Tuesday 28 February.
The community voices groups are our new engagement assurance/insight sharing forum with membership from VCS and other community groups plus umbrella VCS organisations as well as Healthwatch.
There will be a strong focus on health inequalities & communities experiencing the worst health outcomes, we have tried very hard to get representation from community groups that represent these communities. The committee were informed that a good spread of voluntary sector groups will be attending.
There are currently conversations with Healthwatch Kingston to try and encourage CYP to be represented at both Kingston and Richmond community voices groups.
Date of next meeting is 21 March 2023 (Joint Kingston and Richmond Workforce Workshop).