(Cllr) Piers Allen, Chair
Jo Farrar, Kingston and Richmond Place Executive Lead
Denise Madden, Deputy Executive Lead for Kingston and Richmond Places
Shannon Katiyo, Committee Public Health Lead
Jeremy DeSouza, Local Authority Lead
Kathryn Williamson, Voluntary Sector Lead
John Anderson, Healthwatch Richmond Lead
Mike Derry, Healthwatch Richmond Lead
Jennifer Allan, Mental Health Lead
Heather Bryan, Primary Care Provider Lead
Tara Ferguson Jones, Communications and Engagement Lead
Melissa Wilks, Carers Lead
Lindsay Marshall, Business Officer
Dominic Conlin, Acute Lead
Nicholas Grundy, Primary Care Development Lead
Natalie Douglas, Assistant Director for Children and Families, Hounslow and Richmond
Anubha Prasad, South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust
Andrew Demetriades, Programme Director, ICS development
Lynn Wild, Associate Director Health and Care at Richmond and Wandsworth Councils
South West London Investment Fund
There was a discussion on the South West London Investment Fund and the process of where we were to date in relation to the Kingston and Richmond bids for both the Health Inequalities and Innovation funding, with the final panels taking place imminently.
We will share the outputs of this work with the place committee members when we know more.
Place committee members were asked what their suggestions were on the prevention priorities for Richmond. The following areas of prevention work were discussed:
- Alcohol reduction – building on some work which is already in progress and led by Central North West London and Hounslow Health and Care (including West Middlesex Hospital).
- A loneliness programme was suggested by primary care, to support those who live alone in the borough.
- Winter warmth, mental health and supporting people to be more active were also suggested as possible areas for focus.
- There was also a discussion around supporting carers to access health checks.
In terms of taking this work forward, Shannon Katiyo was keen that the committee choose a priority where all partners can support it and achieve outcomes at place level. SWL Directors of Public Health have been trying to influence the prevention agenda across the SWL system and looking at how to embed secondary intervention into the clinical pathways. He felt that, as the alcohol initiative at ChelWest was already started and had systems in place, it would allow opportunities for scale-up and to be embedded across other boroughs and strengthen the effort at a system level, so would be a good starting point.
Transformation Delivery Group – terms of reference
The Transformation Delivery Group is established to provide recommendations and support to programmes and projects through collaboration to the individual statutory health and care organisations across Kingston and Richmond Places. The group will have a population health focus with the aim of reducing health inequalities. Terms of reference were presented for the delivery group and the committee signed them off.
Accountability agreement
Andrew Demetriades, Programme Director for SWL ICS Development, joined the meeting to discuss the draft accountability agreement. This sets out relationships, expectations, accountabilities, and ways of working between SWL Integrated Care Board and Kingston / Richmond place to ensure that there is access to local high-quality health and care services.
The document is recognised as a joint delivery agreement between each place and the Integrated Care Board. It is a live document which forms the basis of ongoing dialogue to support delivery throughout the year.
It should be seen as a mutually supportive agreement that supports place in its delivery role during what will be a developmental year for the integrated care system and its new governance arrangements. It should be consistent with the system oversight principles which will be adopted by the ICB, and it mirrors elements of the NHSE memorandum of understanding with the ICB to ensure consistency and clarity of expectations.
We discussed that they had taken longer than anticipated to finalise, especially around quality and performance, as how we manage this locally and at SWL is still evolving. We agreed to finalise them by the end of November.
Quality at Place
An update was shared from the first Quality at Place Group. Nic Kane, Chief Nurse for Kingston Hospital and HRCH, is the lead for quality and place and chairs the group. The membership includes health and social care providers, the group is currently working on its terms of reference. The update set out how oversight for quality would sit at SWL with responsibility for delivery sitting with Place.
Preparation work is happening so that the group can start to assess against a place-based quality matrix (currently quality is still measured at organisation level).
SW London have proposed a governance structure for quality at place, the group will be working to enable this to be implemented.
Integrated care strategy development
An update was provided regarding the development of the ICB and ICP strategy. It was noted that DHSC have now issued guidance on what the ICP strategy should look like. Several key points from the guidance have been drawn out to shape the approach adopted to deliver the SWL ICP strategy.
The guidance recognises that ICSs are in different stages of development and that the first ICP strategy may be in a lesser state of maturity due to this and the tight timescales for production. The guidance proposes that an interim strategy is produced by December 2022 but that it is more about the ‘Why and What’ rather than the ‘When and How’ which will develop later.
Below is a summary of the statutory requirement of the ICB strategy.
- Must set out how the ‘assessed needs ‘ from the joint strategic needs assessments are to be met by the functions of the ICB, NHSE or partner local authorities
- Must consider whether needs could be more effectively met with a section 75 arrangement
- Must have regard of the NHS mandate (unless compelling or exceptional reasons not to do so
- Must involve local Healthwatch organisations whose areas coincide with or fall wholly or partly in the CIP area; and people who live and work in the area
- Must publish the strategy and distribute copies to partners
- Must consider revising the ICS whenever they receive a new joint strategic needs assessment
Communications and engagement
The community engagement strategy was signed off at the last place committee. Since then, the communications and engagement team has been working on setting up the community voice group which will be a broader version of the current Richmond Community Involvement Group (CIG).
The team are working on a plan to extend the membership, which will involve a targeted communications piece to attract more members. The team are also working on terms of reference with a view to re-launching the group in the New Year.
The team have been having discussions regarding, joining up insight work from primary care, community engagement and the insight gathered by the patient experience teams in the local hospitals. With a view to join up all the data insights and ensure that it is shared with the quality at place group as well as ensuring that the place committee has oversight.
The team is working to promote these messages with the public during the winter:
- COVID booster
- Vaccination
- Healthier Together Website
- Cost of Living
- winter signposting – mental health
- Social prescribing
- Pharmacy
- New roles in primary care
Date of next meeting is Wednesday 14 December 2022