Jo FARRAR, Place Executive Lead
Ed MONTEGOMERY, NHS Community Lead
Iona LIDINGTON, Convenor and Public Health Lead
Nick MERRIFIELD, Primary Care Development Lead
Sanja DJERIC KANE, Voluntary Sector Lead
Sue LEAR, Deputy Director of Transformation
Sharon HOULDEN, Local Authority Lead
Alison DANKS, Achieving for Children
Tara FERGUSON-JONES, Communications and Engagement Lead
Denise MADDEN, Development Programme Lead
Liz MEERABEAU, Healthwatch Lead
Jennifer ALLEN, Mental Health Lead
Diane WHITE, Carers Lead
Jo DANDRIDGE, Lead Business Manager
Transformation update
Adult secondary mental health services
An update was given on the phased approach to establishing borough-based access teams in Kingston and Richmond for adult mental health services. The team will be split into two distinct teams – which will be an important enabler as the organisation develops more integrated community mental health teams at borough level.
Transfer of Richmond Wellbeing Service to SWL & St George’s from East London NHS Foundation Trust
An update was given to the committee stating that all was on track to complete the transfer of the Richmond Wellbeing Service (IAPT & Primary Care Liaison Service) on 5 December 2022 from East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) to South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. This will align adult mental health services under the local lead provider.
Health and Care Plan Progress
A presentation about the 2022-2024 health and care plan refresh was given by Iona Lidington, Director of Public Health. Key points to note are:
- This two-year plan for 2022-2024 is a refresh of some of the existing priorities from 2019 (to start, live and age well) but with a new focus across the life course on:
- Recognising and supporting carers of all ages.
- Tackling inequalities in health to reduce variation for those most disadvantaged (especially considering the COVID-19 pandemic).
- Tackling obesity in all ages, enabling people to live physically active and healthy lifestyles, at a healthy weight, to prevent ill-health and improve wellbeing.
- Promoting the mental health and resilience of residents to improve health and wellbeing their whole lives.
The impact of the Health and Care plan will be measured using indicators that have been agreed with key partners. These will be presented in a dashboard which is available for the public to view.
System Update
Children and Young People’s mental health
Jo Farrar, NHS executive lead for Kingston gave an update on some work we have been doing across Kingston and Richmond, together with local head teachers on the back of concerns raised about access to CAMHS provision, and the impact of the decline in mental wellbeing within schools.
Together with Achieving for Children and South West London and St George’s, and other local partners, we ran a workshop with headteachers in September, to set some priorities for action.
We have set up a task and finish group which will oversee the work and there will be regular updates at the place committee.
The programme of work has been developed around three key themes:
- Service adjustments to provide improved support to children and young people
- Communication and information sharing to enable more effective care and manage risks
- Engagement, training and pathways across system partners
Communications and Engagement
Community engagement strategy
A paper was presented outlining the community engagement strategy for Kingston. In summary, it highlighted the following key points:
The strategy aims to ensure that the voice of local people and communities, especially those at risk of poorest health outcomes in our boroughs is heard and can influence how we plan and deliver local health and care services. The strategy has been developed collaboratively with partners.
The following approaches will be taken:
- Engagement is with people where they live, work, and come together in our boroughs, this approach is key to broadening our engagement so that we hear from groups experiencing health inequalities and people from whom we do not routinely hear.
- We will evolve the existing engagement reference group (the Kingston patient and public forum) – into a broader community voice group.
- We will also set up a Kingston and Richmond engagement assurance group. Which will enable both the Place based partnership and local communities to be assured that appropriate involvement with local people has taken place and has had an impact on Place based decisions.
- We will establish a community conversations roadshow which could be a mix of in person moving around the borough or virtual. This would provide an opportunity for local people to question and share their views with local decision makers. It could help raise the profile of our place-based partnerships amongst local communities and give local people confidence that we are listening and acting on what they have told us.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 15 November 2022