Iona Lidington, Convenor and Public Health Lead
Jo Farrar, Executive Lead for the NHS in Kingston and Richmond.
Denise Madden, Deputy Lead for the NHS in Kingston and Richmond
Liz Meerabeau, Healthwatch Kingston
Sam Morrison, Adult Social Care, Health Commissioning and Transformation, Kingston Council
Tony Bennett, Kingston Carer’s Network
Sanja Djeric Kane, Kingston Voluntary Action
Ed Montgomery, Your Healthcare
Nick Merrifield, Primary Care Development Lead
Liam Bayly, Finance, Finance, Kingston and Richmond
Tara Ferguson-Jones, Communications and Engagement Lead
Caroline O’Neill, Engagement, Kingston and Richmond
Julie McDonald, Adult Social Care Strategy, Partnerships and Transformation , Kingston Council
Kingston Leadership Workshop – outputs from homelessness and housing workshop
Members of the Kingston Partnership Board and Place Based Partnership Committee met in September to pool their knowledge and experience around the issues of homelessness and housing over the winter period. The group also had a strategic discussion around some of the longer-term opportunities to address the issue.
The committee was presented with an overview of the session which highlighted that the main causes of homelessness are shown as the loss of Assured Shorthold Tenancies, domestic abuse and parental/friends evictions. The committee also heard that there has been a large increase in the number of families in hotel accommodation between 2022/23 and 2023/24.
Recommendations from the session included increasing awareness of opportunities to avoid or avert homelessness earlier as well as opportunities to work more closely with local churches and temporary housing providers to support those facing homelessness.
A small sub-group is now being established to take forward immediate actions and to agree an approach for the future.
Place Digital Intentions and priorities
ICS organisations have been involved in digital workshops and discussions over the past few months working to define Digital Intentions for the Kingston Place and create a digital strategy. The aim of the strategy is to attract and retain health and social care staff and deliver a more connected service to local communities.
The committee heard about how the work has taken a ‘people first’ approach, bringing organisations together to establish the current problems as well as future opportunities with the ultimate aim of connecting digital systems across acute, primary care and community providers across Kingston to provide a digital backbone that improves care.
Next steps include:
- All Partners to agree the Digital Intentions and draft project areas in this paper
- Establish the digital group and governance to establish a digital culture across place
- Design and prioritise the agreed projects:
– With all partners input
– Highlighting the quick wins and longer term requirements
– Developed in accordance with the Place Digital Intentions
– Agreeing the resources required to deliver the digital priorities
- Review the approach in April 2024:
– Agreeing the work plan for 2024/25
– Agreeing the 5 year vision for digital development
Progress Update on the Kingston all Age Autism and ADHD Strategy
Kingston Council updated the committee on the development of the All Age Autism and ADHD strategy, which involves partners from the council, Achieving for Children, the NHS and voluntary sector, as well as Experts by Experience.
The Autism and ADHD Strategy (2024-27) will focus on key principles and ensure that autistic people and people with ADHD and their families and carers are at the centre. It will also:
- Focus on people’s strengths to overcome barriers
- Make guidance, information and support easily available
- Offer the right support at the right time
- Increase awareness of autism and ADHD across Kingston
- Focus on the impact of living in the community and being included
- Deliver the actions outlined in the strategy which will require action and leadership from all stakeholders
The strategy development will be overseen by the new Autism and ADHD Partnership Board, co-chaired by the Kingston Council Director of Adult and Social Care and an Expert by Experience.
Stakeholders have been engaged through the Autism Steering Group and wider community networks to inform the strategy and careful engagement planning around the needs of neurodivergent people will ensure accessibility and delivery.
Quality and performance
Kingston Place Finance Update
The committee heard an update from the Kingston and Richmond Place Integrated Financial Performance Group (IFPG). This followed the update provided in May which outlined the aims of the IFPG.
The purpose of the IFPG is to:
- Monitor Kingston and Richmond place financial performance
- Review place-based risk and opportunities
- Support transformation (linked closely to the Transformation delivery Group)
- Support cost effective delivery of place wide objectives to include pooling resources for capital and revenue for aligned objectives
Key principles are:
- An open book approach across partners
- Ensuring value for money across place to support the improvement of outcomes for our patients
The achievements of the last few months were highlighted, including the tracking of potential funding streams and supporting the financial elements of the Better Care Fund review.
It was also noted that the financial position across place continues to be very challenging and there is a recognition that we need to work differently together to achieve the required financial and workforce sustainability. Next steps are to support the priorities emerging through the Transformation Delivery Group/A&E Delivery Board.
Mental health investment proposal process
The South West London Mental Health Partnership Delivery Group agreed a common investment area 24/25 template for South West London and St Gerorge’s Mental Health Trust, South West London places and South London and Maudsley to use at its July 2023 meeting. The committee heard about the new process including Return of Investment, the scoring system being used to prioritise proposals and the timelines associated with the new process.
The 24/25 funding allocationsfor place have not yet been agreed, and are not expected until January 2024, though a working assumption is that it will be the same as this year’s allocations. The process is led by Mental Health Commissioners at Place linking in with the system and the Trust.
The Committee has been asked to consider the new investment proposal process and discuss any key investment priorities for Kingston as a place.
Communications and engagement
The committee was given an overview of engagement work at Place between April and June 2023. They were also briefed on plans for a forward plan, linked to transformation programmes of work.
The committee was also given an update on the priority communications and engagement campaigns for South West London which cover winter pressures and demand management.
These include:
- NHS app – freeing up capacity in primary care
- Mental health – encouraging earlier intervention and longer-term demand management
- Vaccinations – preventing hospitalisations for flu and covid-19
- Pharmacy first – reducing demand for A&E walk-ins and same-day GP practice appointments
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 21 November 2023