Community Voices Kingston has been established to foster strong partnership and collaboration in Kingston. Its purpose is to provide a space for:
- All partners to share with local health and care representatives what your community group/client group is experiencing about local services;
- All partners can appropriately shape health and care services to meet the needs of Kingston residents;
- To share good practice expertise to improve the health and wellbeing of Kingston residents;
- To develop partnership and collaborative working;
- To champion the ‘patient voice’ and ensure it’s the centre of service development and delivery;
- To foster two-way dialogue between the NHS and the ‘community’.
Community Voices Kingston will be responsible for:
- Feeding insight and feedback from patients & the community into the Kingston Place Committee / Quality Committee;
- Shaping and embedding a positive culture of co-production;
- Contributing to engagement processes, strategy and service development;
- Review place engagement plans and activities to ensure they meet best practice;
- Sharing engagement, community, and patient insights to feed into the system and influence.
Community Voices Kingston is accountable to:
- The Kingston Place Committee and will provide regular updates about community and patient engagement and projects.
- It is expected that members of Community Voices Kingston will act on behalf of their organisations and service.
The membership of Community Voices Kingston is intended to provide representation from organisations that are:
- Responsible for designing and delivering voluntary, community sector services to Kingston residents and registered practice population;
- Acting as representatives of organisations responsible for delivering services;
- Representatives of Kingston residents.
Meeting format
Community Voices Kingston will;
- Meet every two months via Microsoft Teams or face to face for 1 hour;
- The Minutes of the meeting will be circulated within fourteen days of the meeting taking place;
- To utilise the meeting most effectively members should read Minutes and papers prior to the next meeting;
- The group will review the Minutes for accuracy and review any actions;
- Members will be invited to add agenda items for each meeting prior to circulation;
- The agenda and papers will be circulated to members seven days before the meeting;
- Members will be sent an email reminder the day before the meeting;
- Occasionally the meeting will host a workshop format to generate discussions on a specific piece of work / objective;
- The meeting will be chaired by the Engagement Manager to start with, then a nominated group member;
- Agenda, Minutes and meeting invitations will be managed by the Engagement Coordinator.
The meeting will be considered quorate if 60% of attendees are in attendance, with fair representation from across the partners.
Review date
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed in September 2023.