Local organisation Refugee Action Kingston held a health and wellbeing day at St Johns Church, Kingston earlier this month. They provided free information on how to stay happy and healthy for over 90 refugees and asylum seekers.
Many different organisations contributed, including Healthwatch Kingston, Diabetes UK, and Connected Kingston who had stalls. There was advice on offer regarding sexual health, vaccinations, cancer screening, mental health, as well as information on leisure and wellbeing.
“Community events like these are essential for refugees and asylum seekers to find out about the local services available to them. It is also great to see how working in partnership is benefiting local residents who form part of typically less heard from communities.”
Jo Farrar, Place Executive Lead for Kingston and Richmond
Refugee Action Kingston do great work to support refugees and asylum seekers by providing access to a range of services so everyone can thrive in the community. They help with providing counselling, English classes and housing, health, employment, legal and career advice.
“It can be hard to navigate your new life in a foreign country. The day was very well attended which is great as these events are vital, making it as easy as possible for refugees and asylum seekers to access help by bringing together such a variety of services.”
Jenny Arokiasamy, Refugee Action Kingston