Richmond has received recognition that it demonstrates generally positive outcomes for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), following an inspection led by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) earlier this year.
This represents the highest possible judgment under the current inspection regime and acknowledges the progress made in the local area since the last full Inspection in 2021.
NHS South West London works closely with Achieving for Children and Richmond Council’s adult social care team to deliver services for children and young people with SEND. Under the new inspection framework, this judgement reflects the consistent hard work demonstrated across education, social, and health sectors.
The Ofsted report highlighted key aspects of the SEND provision, emphasising that young people with SEND are at the centre of professional decision-making. It went on to note that young people feel empowered to shape their futures and needs are identified accurately and assessed promptly, by ensuring that providers have the necessary resources for referrals and identifying additional needs.
Professionals are commended for getting to know children with SEND, providing the right help and support in a timely manner. The report also acknowledges a variety of opportunities for children to participate in the community, nurturing their talents and interests. Additionally, leaders demonstrated high ambitions for children and worked strategically with the multi-agency SEND Futures Plan.
Work will continue in partnership to build on the strengths identified in this report as well as updating a local action plan to ensure sufficient focus on those areas identified for improvement through the inspection.
Full Ofsted report