To improve health and care services, NHS South West London is developing a Joint Forward Plan for how healthcare services are delivered over the next five years. To support this, local Engagement teams have been gathering the views of residents from across all boroughs to make sure the thoughts and experiences of local people are included in our ambitions for the future delivery of NHS services.
As part of a series of events, South West London Engagement teams recently visited Babyzone, a drop in play space for 0–5-year-olds in Croydon to capture the views of healthcare services from the parents of young children. Babyzone runs weekly activities that are fun and engaging and provide a warm and inviting space for parents to make connections whilst their children play.
Alongside familiar soft play toys and games, children are given the opportunity to join child friendly first aid classes, a sensory room, and have an introduction to oral hygiene. In addition to the classes, the charity also partners with local organisations to give families the support they need throughout the year.

As children busied themselves with toys and interactive play sessions, the 200 parents in attendance were given the opportunity to talk with NHS staff, take part in a survey and share their experiences of NHS services. Vicentia, mum to a 9 month boy said: “I enjoy coming here each week to meet other mums, but today has been great. It’s been nice to share my thoughts and to feel heard.”
For us to create a future NHS that meets the needs of our residents we understand that that it’s important for us to meaningfully involve residents and communities in our plans. Babyzone created a wonderful opportunity for parents to speak openly and freely about our plan to date. We’re also committed to feeding back on our plans and progress with the communities to make sure we’re getting things right.
“We want communities to be recognised and to understand that their voice counts in the delivery of NHS services. Today has been a brilliant chance for us to understand people’s experiences and to capture things that are working, along with areas for improvement.”
Jo Austin, Senior Communications and Engagement Lead for Croydon
We want to know what you think about our Joint Forward Plan – you can use our survey to give your views until Tuesday 30 May 2023. Tell us your views now.