One in six homeless people in Croydon are between the ages of 16 to 24. Croydon health and care partners including Mind in Croydon, Off the Record, Change Grow Live, Aids Healthcare Foundation and the local NHS came together last month to host a health and wellbeing day for young people. The event created an opportunity for vulnerable young people to access and familiarise themselves with the free health and care services available throughout the borough and get the support they need.
A cooked lunch, live DJ and goodie bags filled with essential items, created a fun and inviting atmosphere for attendees to talk openly with services and find out more information for their individual needs. Mind in Croydon provided mental health guidance along with a free clothing stall for young people to browse.
Volunteers from the Croydon BME Forum and Asian Resource Centre of Croydon delivered health checks and necessary referrals for further care, along with The Aids Healthcare Foundation who provided with free HIV testing and sexual health information. The event was also supported by local Croydon pharmacist and Primary Care Development Lead, Dipti Gandhi who was able to have ont-to-one chats about the Covid-19 vaccine and allay any concerns.
A few of our clients attended and those who don’t normally come out of their rooms have come out and engaged which is really good.”
Annette Andrew, Team Leader at Ingram Court
Staff and clients who attended gave positive feedback about the event, commenting that it helped to build their confidence about using local services that the event made them more aware of their health and wellbeing. Many rated the event highly, with services finding it a great opportunity to network and build connections.
Support for homeless people
If you are experiencing homelessness in Croydon and need support please call us. We are here to help.